Friday, September 3, 2010

Hello Mumbai!

We officially made it and are all moved into Rajiv's brother's flat that he graciously let us crash in! It is definately a different culture already, which we've seen bits of on our way driving here. We've met up wih Lauren who has been co-oping in a small village of India for the entire summer, so it is really nice to have  her along to get us accustomed to the area and foods a little quicker!

We each want to write about our first impressions so I'll start off!

So the plane ride was a little crazy, as you'd expect any 20 hour ride to be! But the meals were amazing, Peggy and I even got special treatment with "special meals" which I think meant vegetarian or sooomething! Besides the babies crying and my tv not working on the first flight, I would say it was pretty successful! I'm excited to see what is in store for us these coming days..

Yeah-- about those babies...there were about 5 surrounding us, and the lil one in front of us was absolutely determined to crawl over the seat and grab us!! Between the chorus of babies and failing to come up with ways to sleep "comfortably", I think some of us have only had about 6-10 hours of sleep in the past 3 days...
Driving from the airport to Rajiv's brother's flat was really interesting. I couldn't believe how many people were still out. Some just sitting in front of buildings, some still doing construction work at 2 AM (??) and a million stray dogs roaming and just chilling in the middle of the road.
Well we only have a few hours to get some sleep before we meet with Rajiv's sister-in-law and her company tomorrow, so I'll pass this off to Casey!!

Hello friends... So we've been on 3 planes in 3 countries in 3 time zones in the past 2-3 days. Needless to say, we are exhausted and can't wait to sprawl out on beds in Rajiv's brother's flat. We were welcomed with such wonderful hospitality. Bottled water stocked. We've been seated in terrible positions in airplane seats for 9 hours at a time. No activity is a killer. But so excited and relieved to finally be in Mumbai and about to engulf in an amazing Indian journey ahead of us :) -Casey

Hi everyone!! It is now 4 in the morning here and we are supposed to wake up at 8 for a full day of plans for Saturday! ah! I guess I am running off of excitement! Right now, I am easing my way into Indian cuisine, with my Kroger peanut butter and some of the ParleG Indian crackers that Rajiv's brother left for us. mmm :) The first flight to Paris was a breeze - movie, dinner, and a nap and we were there! Mom, 1.99 travel pillow was the best thing! thanks! The second flight was a bit longer and I think I was served frozen fish... I was skeptical and had vanilla yogurt with leftover Delta cookies instead :) They didn't have the country music options like on the first flight (Tim McGraw album Lady Antebellum and Sugarland!) sooo I watched a documentary on Indian cuisine hah and read a national geographic on Indian agriculture... the time went by slower. 50% of my luggage made it to Mumbai. One bag is still in Paris! I am sure I can survive without my rice cakes and granola bars. :)
Thanks to Rajiv, for waiting at the airport until 2am! Lauren, you are clearly far more knowledgable about India than the rest of us... so sorry we will be drilling you with questions, and thanks for answering! More tomorrow! I have safely arrived on the other side of the world and I am sooo excited for our adventures ahead! -Peggy


  1. WHERE'S PEGS?!??!?!?
    From, Mary

  2. So glad that you arrived safely. Get some sleep and can't wait to hear about the next activity. Did Peggy survive the stretch of land with ALL of the dogs????
    Love, Peggy's mom

  3. Glad you made it, Pegs!! We must have checked the blog RIGHT before you posted (thats why we wondered where you were). That is so wierd that is it 4 AM in Mumbai! It's only 6:52 here hah. Bummer about your baggage...hope your luna bars made it! :)
    love, the fam
    p.s. WE MISS YOU!!

  4. alex says: "in India you do fun stuff and please come back forever"
    nia says: "eat a lot of good Indian food and get plenty of rest"
    mia says: "haley, please can i call my boyfriend when you come back. haley i hope you have fun there and meet a lot of friends there. I miss you!!
    mom says: i'm so excited. i've been checking the blog all day just incase of an early arrival. so glad you're there and ready for awesome adventuring!

    -mary. .

  6. peggy, im jealous of your 1.99 pillow.
    love, haley

  7. and i'm jealous of peggy's mom who thought to get a 1.99 pillow for her...haley's mom

  8. Ha Ha! Glad that the $1.99 pillow is a hit. It was an afterthought as we were standing in line at Walgreen's. Apparently the other more necessary purchases such as hand sanitizer, bug spray, Luna bars, etc. are all lost somewhere in Paris! Peggy had access to internet for awhile today and shared that she had already purchased some souvenirs. I knew that she would find a way to shop in any conditions. Can't wait to see the loot. I admire all of these girls for their sense of adventure. Have fun, stay safe, and keep posting updates.
    Peggy's mom

  9. i'm thinking if peggy's belongings aren't able to make their way out of paris maybe the mothers should go retrieve them? hmm...waiting anxiously to see what this day brought the girls! haley's mother

  10. This is so exciting! Peggy- we know that you will have an amazing time- just stay together and stay safe! I want a picture of you kissing an elephant- a REAL one! Ellie just wants you to bring home one of the homeless dogs... do NOT listen to her!

    We love you!

    Smooches, Kate,John, Ellie, Sarah, Henry and Margo

  11. Moms going to Paris? Now, we're talking!!!
    --Sue (Peggy's mom)

  12. So glad you made it safely!! I'm confused on the timing..what day and time is it there/how are you functioning?! Pegs, such your luck to lose a bag in paris! Maybe just swing by Paris on your way home! Good excuse, right? ;)Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
    Love, Amy


We would love to hear anything you have to say on fashion, int'l travel, and India!