Friday, September 10, 2010


Three forms of transportation in one day can wear you out! 5 hour car ride from Agra to New Delhi. 1 hour flight from New Delhi to Varanasi, and boat ride on the Ganges!!

I don't think I have ever put a hand in the Ohio river, let alone bathe or wash my clothes in the water. I am fortunate! Imagine the Ohio river 5 times wider, 50 times muddier, although somehow 1,000 times more remarkable! We walked down the dirt road to the river banks and a wood plank boat was docked at the side. It was pitch dark and I totally trusted the boy with the striped shirt (only about my brother, Michael's age - 16) to hold my hand and step over the murky water onto the boat. The boy started the motor and the man with the grey beard in the back steered. Instantly it was like we were in a different world! My camera was useless as I tried to get the stars, the bridge, the silk shops, the steps going into the water, the people playing, bathing, and washing clothes, and the street vendors that could be seen through the building gaps. I felt so safe, calm, peaceful and appreciative...until Christine and I started flipping out about the possibility of a hole in the boat or running out of fuel.  We pulled up to the banks, and walked up the steps to the market. It didn't take long to bargain and spend 1500 rupees on beads. :)  I gave a little boy a piece of my Trident gum and he gave me his autograph with a heart around it!! The hospitality at our cottage in Varanasi is most appreciated! I can't wait to wake up in the morning to explore the area and see the town in daylight.
I am so thankful for the water we have at home - for the shower, washing machine, drinking water, swim club :) Whenever you are around clean water today, give thanks!
 P.S. John- When I get home, I will pull a "John McGrath" and put my head directly under the sink faucet! 

A flight only lasting 50 minutes from New Delhi to Varansi had us anxiously waiting for the next chapter in this Indian journey. We landed in the smallest airport I think any of us have ever been to. So cute yet hectic. Peggy and Haley, lucky holders of the window seats on our flight, informed us isle seaters of the beautiful scenery they witnessed of Varanasi. We were instantly excited for the city we were about to explore. Driving through the village, we noticed the drastic change from villages and towns we had experienced prior. There was a cleanliness and happy aura about the town that definitely had an effect on us. Snapping our cameras left and right, we captured images that appeared to be torn from pages of National Geographic as Peggy and I have continuously stated. The many aromas of the city we breathed in were ones of fresh mint leaves and burning wood. Monkeys climbed the rooftops much like Abu from Aladdin. The architecture, hanging clothes lines, outside markets and Indian dress screamed Aladdin to me. Being my favorite Disney movie of all time, we started singing its songs "street rat" and "a whole new world"! Singing is nothing out of the ordinary for our long car rides on this trip. We finally reached the most adorable and quaint cottage/guest house. Though it was dark when we arrived, we heard peacocks calling. I can't wait to see their bright feathers in the daylight tomorrow morning. Dogs, like in the rest of India, rest on the stone walkways, cooling off. Not to anyone's surprise, Peggy grabs my arm and obviously makes me go first, claiming they are going to get her or touch her as if it's a lion, tiger or bear, OH MY! Needless to say, we managed to walk by with no problem. ha Oh Pegs! :) The cruise on the river was the highlight of this trip for me thus far. This is exactly what I pictured India to be, but I was proven wrong. The scene we were gliding by was better and more than I could ever imagine. The local people celebrating their religious ceremonies near the river with fire and lit lillypads that they set off into the water, gorgeous stacked architecture layering on top each other, monkeys and dogs climbing the steps, and locals diligently at work. When we finally docked after a tranquil ride, we experienced real India. We were the only "tourists". We bargained with the merchants for beads and jewelry/stones. As Peggy previously mentioned, she and I met the most adorable little boy I have ever seen. He was about 7 yrs old and was bilingual, communicating to us with charm as he drew Peggy a heart with his name scribbled inside. How American! We took the same wooden boat back to the cottage and enjoyed a yummy Indian dinner prepared by the wonderful staff. Peggy and I cannot sleep as we are sweating in our beds with a very slow ceiling fan, no AC, and open windows. It's 110 degrees, easy. We're awaiting a 5:45 am alarm to get up and hike the trails, only to sweat some more, as if we haven't dripped sweat enough this trip already! We have had minimal sleep this trip- what's another day? I don't sleep anyways even at home in the Nati. This was quite the post's the heat talking. Goodnight loves :) -Casey

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your BLOG!! Well done! I am proud to be a part of the "TEAM FASHIndia"!!


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